Saturday, February 23, 2008

Newspaper Article

The Elkins InterMountain has a story in today's paper on the 1982 Tucker County murders. The reporter has presented a balance of opinions along with an excellent summary of the controversy surrounding the conviction of Rusty Phillips.

One misquote deserves correction.

"This story is not just about two murders. It's about the exploitation of indigents and uneducated [InterMountain added 'attorneys' here]."

I was making the point that people who know their rights and the law are more in control of their fate.


Anonymous said...

I think that ANYONE who is innocent, deserves to be set free, with that said, I am very upset that someone can come from a different country and cause so much heartache for a family they do not know and have never met, there is way more to this story than just what Edith informed you of, how that woman can sleep at night I will never know!! You have caused alot of pain for our family, by having your "book" details printed on the front page of the intermountain, I hope you enjoy the money you will receive from this book, and I hope that you can live with the fact that instead of getting ALL sides of the story, you can TRUST what you have been told from that woman and her friend Rusty.

Anonymous said...

I am furious!! I will not be buying your book!! What right do you have to write anything about my brother and my nephew!!?? You don't know us, you've never met us, I heard there are things about MY MOTHER in your book, how dare you???!!! You should have gotten ALL the facts, why wasn't any of the immediate family even questioned?? You were requested by Edith to write this book, so it says in the paper, do you know her history??? All the arrests of her? How she left town abrubtly the night before her husband and son were killed?? And I don't know how true this is, but the night David told Rusty to leave his house and never to come back, how Edith hid him in the house without David's knowledge. There are alot of things that you dont have a clue about, I hope someone else writes a book on the life of Edith and she gets investigated!

M M Stoddart said...

Thank you to the anonymous commenters for voicing their opinions. Their comments are noted. This story is complex and emotional and everyone deserves to have their say. While it was not possible to interview everyone before completing the book I encourage those wishing to be heard to post on this blog for all to read. I'm sure we all want facts and truth to be the basis for whatever conclusions are reached.