Saturday, February 2, 2008

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

I have started reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Thank you to Oprah for bringing it to my attention. This builds on the works of Wallace D. Wattles and adds depth to the ideas presented in The Secret. So far I have found it highly relevant to my present understanding of me.


Anonymous said...

I haven't had the opportunity to purchase your book yet, but I did read the article written in the Elkins Intermountain. I lived in Parsons in 1982 and remember what transpired. I had met Rusty, and although he was somewhat rough around the edges, I am not entirely convinced that he committed the murders. I had often suspected the fire, which was arson, was possibly done for insurance monies. As for both murders I do believe the same person was involved in both. As for the law enforcment community, it was very corrupt at the time. I knew everyone involved, and it is very much possible that someone could be "railroaded". I personally know of several persons who were wrongfully charged and arrested for crimes they did not commit. That is one reason I moved from this area.Even though I was never involved in anything illegal and was considered an upstanding citizen, I felt so much animosity and distrust toward these people and others like them, thus causing me to relocate to another part of the state.

M M Stoddart said...

These comments are very much appreciated.