Saturday, January 12, 2008


How many blogs can a blogger blogg before blowing up?

Billowing Blogs, bubbleogs, blogs within blogs, beautiful bountiful bloggers are we.

Just when I think I have discovered an internet tool to simplify a task, it takes over my spare time. ( That's a lie, I never have spare time. I just refuse to attend from time to time.)

I am the tool. The blogs own me and are chasing me as they proliferate and promulgate and expect me to pontificate on their behalf.

Marketing my book requires that I create a presence so others know it exists should they wish to read it. Creating a presence for maximum exposure seems to entail being in MySpace, Facebook, Web Pages, discussion groups and all the associated and affiliated blogs. Each virtual space wants to know about me and requires me to learn to navigate their particular space in order to make it work for me. I can't remember anymore what I said in what place. I guess it will settle down as I learn where I am comfortable and in which space I have an audience.

Blogging and social web sites are kind of like being at the bar and talking to the bartender or being at the hairdresser. Journaling on line can be psycho-therapy. If we don't go psycho, we get therapy.

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