Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WV Justice Failure

Repeated failures of the WV justice system have left me pulling out my hair and speechless. I expected that the experience would have been similar to what the various Innocence Projects have gone through but I wasn't prepared for how emotionally draining it would be.

So the WV University Innocence Project was stonewalled into giving up. They dropped the case after receiving no cooperation from the WV State Police Crime Lab. Autopsy results and crime photographs were denied. Lab work was said to have been done but revealed results that could not be believed. Note that the Crime Lab is part of the State Police. !!!

Judge Jordan assigned  attorney Chad Cissel to work on Russell's habeas corpus petition. Cissel completely ignored the case for years. He had a habit of doing that with clients and was cited for his alleged repeated failure to communicate with clients by the Lawyer Disciplinary Board. The West Virginia Record printed an article on this in their December 27 2012 edition, written by Lawrence Smith.

Russell is now being represented by attorney Adrian Hoosier. We will see if Mr. Hoosier is capable of making any progress towards justice and truth in this toxic entanglement.

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