Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There are no facts, only interpretations. —Nietzsche

It's been a few weeks since I updated this blog. I have been considering the best means of continuing to discuss my book without causing distress to those I care about.

I love and respect Edith Roberts. She is an amazing person who suffered greatly over the death of her first husband and teenage son. The release of my book was expected to help her deal with it by telling her story.

As it turned out, I found many very serious problems with the investigation and trial that I could not ignore. They included legal consequences for other people affected by the case. I decided to include all of the social justice issues and not confine the book to the Roberts family experience.

The Roberts family in West Virginia and Virginia do not accept my interpretation of the evidence. Clearly only those who have lost a loved one to violence could understand the emotions it inflamed.

I delivered a message, an opinion, based on extensive study, backed by academic research. I never met Glenn (David) or Timmy so cannot say firsthand what choices they may have made in stressful situations. My analysis of the case was from that of a distant observer with only the documented evidence to study. Each reader will choose what to accept and what to reject.

I wish the message could have been more comforting or uplifting. I wish it could have matched the Roberts family expectations. I wrote what I found and what my mind told me was logical and probable.

I am deeply sorry for the family’s loss.

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