Monday, June 23, 2008

True Self-Government

A quote I came across today that I wanted to share:

"It is imperative to the evolution of man, the collective good, and the survival of humanity that the individual is protected from persecution and never oppressed by the collective. The radical, the challenger, the eccentric, the revolutionary, the exception, the outcast, the odd ball, the rule breakers and those that march to the beat of a different drummer are the triggers and impetus behind human evolution, growth and new discovery. This includes new thought and ideas that challenge the status quo thinking and those that are resistant to change.
Evolution is all about change, which results in adaptation and improvement, and those that resist change, cling to the old, or oppress the harbingers of change impede the evolution of mankind and our ability to adapt to changes beyond our control such as the climate and nature.
Therefore the survival and good of the collective is dependant on the freedom of the individual."

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